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framed photo of Jordandesk

Hi, my name is Jordan!

I am an undergrad studying computer science at the University of Toronto. Having grown up in Seattle, I think of myself as someone of two countries, two cities, and two towers.

My passion is to continue making a difference by developing software to improve people's lives. Whether it be direct impact through a software solution or contributing to a company that serves to better its community, I believe software can empower change and lead people and organizations to achieve the best possible outcomes.

When away from the computer, I enjoy exploring the outdoors. Whether it be kayaking, SCUBA diving, or rock climbing, it is a great way to appreciate nature. I also enjoy playing tennis and soccer as well as being a referee for youth soccer on the weekends.

I am also a budding horologist. While I only have a small collection, I love learning about the mechanisms of a watch and how they work together. I find the symbiotic relationship between the watch and its wearer to be so interesting.

framed photo of Jordanframed photo of Jordan